How to make an applier
1. Make sure to set the script "Maitreya Applier Script V5..." to NO TRANSFER, or to NO COPY, If you plan on selling your appliers!
2. drag the script "Maitreya Applier Script V5..." in to your (hud button) prim(s)
3 Fill in your UUIDs in the notecard "Maitreya Texture Loader - ...", then drag the notecard in to the prim(s) as well.
In a few seconds the script will read the uuids and will delete the notecard. You can not reset the script after this, because then it will loose the uuid data.
* If you want to build a HUD with multiple buttons, you need to make sure the buttons are all attached to the root prim first. After that, give each button its own script. The root prim does not need a script.
* You can change the names of the notecards, but inside the notecards only the UUIDs should be changed.
* Everything in the notecard is only optional. You can leave unused areas blank.
The different appliers
You can find the kits for Skins, Layers, HD Nipples, Nails and Materials at the Maitreya store, on the wall, next to the mesh body.
Each kit has its own notecard and instructions.
If you want to add uuids for materials to your applier, this is possible for the "Layers", the "Skins" and the "HD Nipples" appliers. In V5 appliers you can also pre-determine the settings for the materials control sliders: "glossiness", "intensity" and "environment". This is optional, no need to fiddle around with these values if you don't find this important for your applier. You can also leave this totally up to the user.
You may also want to make appliers that are just materials, that your customers can use with any skins. Or you may like to make material appliers to enhance a certain BoM outfit. This is possible with the new "materials" kit.
HD Nipples
With the HD Nipples kit you can create textures and materials for your HD Nipple appliers. The three HD nipples have unique uv maps, which can be found in the kit.
The notecard for the layers kit has a few new and extra options that the other kits don't have. These are explained in the instructions notecard in the kit. Most of these options will be pretty familiar to creators, because they are options from the sl edit window. One new possibility however deserves to be mentioned here, because it's a bit different to what we are used to. You can make your applier apply upon attaching and remove textures again upon detaching the applier hud, by setting the "Applying and removing of textures when applier gets attached/detached (for RLV)" to "y" (yes). The user does not need to touch the applier for it to apply then. This means that the applier HUD could be added to a users
#RLV folder and her partner can attach and detach the applier to dress/undress.
Note that setting this parameter to "y" also means the applied textures are removed when the applier gets detached. So for regular applier use, this option isn't advised.
Skins and Nails
For the Skins and Nails kits there are some psd files to download, to help you perfectly match your textures to the mesh body. Textures for your skin appliers can be found here and the ones for your nail appliers can be found here.
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